Friday, March 25, 2011

There’s Always A Rainbow After the Rain

It has been said that April showers bring May flowers. If you’ve had April showers, don’t be surprised if God awaits with a gorgeous bouquet of May flowers. It could come tomorrow. Perhaps it won’t come until sometime later. But don’t be discouraged.
Jesus Christ will bring His elegant bouquet, everything perfectly arranged. He may resolve your turmoil just as you prayed. He may resolve it in a different, much better way. Or He may choose not to resolve it at all. Still, you can be assured His thoughts are higher than your thoughts and His plan is perfection. He knows what is best for you.

Someday He will knock, holding your bouquet of May flowers. They will be your favorite color, beautiful and bright and wonderfully scented, a sweet savor unto the Lord.
Your April showers could be anything: trouble, sickness, sin. Perhaps they have left you feeling unworthy of God’s attention and love. Understand that His is an unconditional love, and you have done nothing for which He won’t forgive or restore you.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Romans 8:35

My Personal Reflection
The rainbow always comes out after the rain. Knowing that reminds me how we can maintain an optimistic outlook in our lives in spite of the many challenges thrown in our way.
Just like in today’s devotional, the rain symbolizes the hurdles we have to jump over, the problems we have to face and the challenges we have to overcome. But then the falling of rain is inevitable. We cannot control when it will rain and when it won’t. What we can do is remain positive and keep our faith in the Lord, because just as sure as the rain will pour, the blessings also will. We only need to be patient.

All good things come in God’s time, the perfect time.


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