Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Past - Present - Future

if I go back to the past.
go back further.. further.. and further more..,
to the days I was a teenager..
to the days I was a little girl..
to the days I was a baby..
to the day I was newly born..
everything that had happened

every word that had been spoken
every step that had been done
every time that had been shared
every strength that had been used
every heart that had been loved
every hand that had been reached
every color that had been seen
every breath that had been taken

every day..
every minute..
every second..
was such a blessing…

now its time to go forward
to the future
to the days of mature
to the days I achieve my dreams
to the days I know that everyone loves me
and to that day I realize.., 

the days of happiness even the days of grief
the days of smile even the days of tears
the days of congratulating even the days of condolence
for I know, and I’m thankful..
for everything…

is such a Blessing…

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