Friday, October 9, 2015

ABC of Life

Aaccept the challenge. 

Bbelieve in ourselves. 

Cconvert our thoughts into hopes. 

Dthe determination to convert our hopes into dreams.

Eexpect some obstacles on the way up. 

Ffight while being faithful and finish the course.

Gget God on our side.

Hhave a Harvey model of leadership. 

I-  inspire someone else. 

Jtake Jesus on our journey.

Kkeep on keeping on. 

Lbe a leader. 

Mmake every day count. 

Nnever give up! 

Oovercome our obstacles. 

Pput our best foot forward. 

Qquit quitting. 

Rrun the race with patience. 

Sstrive on while 

T- trusting in The Lord. 

Uuse our talents. 

Vvalue our time. 

Wwait for understanding. 

X-  x-ray our own lifestyles. 

Yyearn to achieve all that we seek

Zbe zealous when reaching the top!

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