Thursday, December 30, 2010


for·give  (fr-gv, fôr-)
1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.
2. To renounce anger or resentment against.

"The weak can never forgive. 

Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."   

  ~Mahatma Gandhi~


Forgiveness should not be confused with ignoring or forgetting, because that is the cowards way of dealing with problems    when someone you care about hurts you, it is normal to be angry, and have thoughts of revenge, in the initial stages … but to not grow and move on from these hate feelings is not moving forward.

Forgiveness does not mean that your relationship with that person will be the same again, and it does not mean that you have excused the betrayal. Forgiveness means that you have accepted that persons actions, your opinions on that person may change, or maybe an opinion was confirmed. 

 Source :

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The inevitable

i am not what i was yesterday
i am what i am today
and i definitely don’t know for sure what i will become tomorrow
change is inevitable

change is inevitable
but improvement is a matter of choice
there’s multiple options for you
choose how you’d like to change

choices and consequences

Source :

Take Time

Take time to work
It is the price of success

Take time to think
It is the source of power

Take time to play
It is the secret of perpetual youth

Take time to read
It is foundation of wisdom

Take time to dream
It is hitching your wagon to star

Take time to pray
It is the greatest power on earth

Take time to love and be love
It is a god given privilege

Take time to look around
It is too short a day to be selfish

Take time to laugh
It is the music of soul

Source :

Past - Present - Future

if I go back to the past.
go back further.. further.. and further more..,
to the days I was a teenager..
to the days I was a little girl..
to the days I was a baby..
to the day I was newly born..
everything that had happened

every word that had been spoken
every step that had been done
every time that had been shared
every strength that had been used
every heart that had been loved
every hand that had been reached
every color that had been seen
every breath that had been taken

every day..
every minute..
every second..
was such a blessing…

now its time to go forward
to the future
to the days of mature
to the days I achieve my dreams
to the days I know that everyone loves me
and to that day I realize.., 

the days of happiness even the days of grief
the days of smile even the days of tears
the days of congratulating even the days of condolence
for I know, and I’m thankful..
for everything…

is such a Blessing…

Source :

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mercure Kuta Htl (4*), Bali-Indonesia

Mercure Kuta Bali (4*)
Jl. Pantai Kuta 10x
Br. Pande Mas
Bali, 80361
Room Price : IDR 1.600.000 / Night

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sabar Menanti Waktu Tuhan , By. Herry Priyonggo-Yerikho VG

Di dalam hidup ini, semua ada waktunya.
Ada waktunya kita menabur.....
Ada juga waktu kita menuai

Mungkin dalam hidupmu badai datang menyerbu. 
Mungkin doamu bagai tak terjawab!
Namun yakinlah tetap.

Tuhan selalu dengar doamu!
Tuhan tidak pernah tinggalkanmu!
PertolonganNya pasti'kan tiba tepat pada waktunya.

Bagikan kuncup mawar pada waktunya mekar.
Tuhan jadikan semua indah pada waktunya.

Hendaklah kita s'lalu hidup dalam firmanNya.
Percayalah Tuhan!
Nantikan Dia bekerja pada waktuNya

Tuhan tak'kan terlambat.
Juga tak akan lebih cepat.
Ajarlah kami setia s'lalu menanti waktuMu Tuhan !


Pecobaan - pencobaan yang kamu alami
ialah pencobaan-pencobaan biasa yang
tidak melebihi kekuatanmu.

Sebab Allah setia, dan karena itu
Ia tidak akan membiarkanmu dicobai
melampaui kekuatanmu.

Pada waktu kamu dicobai,
Ia akan memberimu jalan keluar,
sehingga kamu dapat menaggungnya 

Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah
pada waktunya.

( I Korintus 1:13 & Pengkotbah 3:11a)